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Oh how beautiful is Oranienburg

Our 2nd story brings us to Oranienburg where we meet Dagmar Jurat, a history teacher and the curator of the exhibition "Refuge - then and now". Arriving at Oranienburg main station we notice that there is a lot going on in this town. The way to the Nikolai church where the exhibition is shown is leading us through greenery and over a is beautiful here!

Mrs. Jurat greets us in front of the church and shows us the exhibition. The 20 boards with the individal refugee stories are impressive and give food for thought. There are many parallels between then and now; a great project.

Afterwards we go to café "Kaffeetante" to shoot the interview. Clearly Dagmar Jurat is an active and engaged citizen that holds her students accountable. Since 1990 she has been fighting racism and xenophobia in Oranienburg, because "we have learned from our parents that all humans are equal"

After a shelter for refugees had been openend in Oranienburg in 2015, the protests started. We have to do something thought Dagmar Jurat and talked to the school principal. As a result, students visited refugees in the shelter and started an interview project. The idea was that students talk to refugees that recently came to Germany and displaced people who came to Germany after WWII. The interviews built the foundation for the travelling exhibition, that will be shown all across Brandenburg.

We thank Dagmar Jurat for her civic envolvement and her courage.


Exhausted and happy after the shoot in Oranienburg


Oh how beautiful is Oranienburg